Alternate names for the Analyses
Why do I give the Analyses the names that I do? Well some of the more widely-used names I find less than helpful and (in some cases)
just plain daft.
I've tried to use logical and descriptive names wherever possible. But for ease of reference, here are some equivalent names for strategies
and algorithms that you might find in SuDoku books and on other websites.
Exposed Doubleton, Pair, Naked Pair
Triple -
Exposed Gakken, Trio, Naked Triple
Quadruple -
Exposed Nadako, Quad, Naked Quad
Associate -
Pointing Pair, Pointing Triple, Box/Line Reduction
Rows and Columns (Double) -
Rows and Columns (Triple) -
Rows and Columns (Quadruple) -
Buried Double -
Hidden Doubleton, Buried Pair, Hidden Pair
Buried Triple -
Hidden Gakken, Buried Trio, Hidden Triple
3-Way -
Singles Chain -
Colouring, X-Cycle
Pairs Chain -
Y-Wing, XY-Chain, Remote Pairs
Ultimate Chain -
Alternating Inference Chain