Click on the links below to jump to a particular topic:
"The grid is not displaying correctly"
"Does the SuDoku Solver run on Mac/iPad/iPhone?"
"The application is missing the required files"
"Your security settings do not allow this application to be installed on your computer"
"I have not been sent a license key after a purchase"
"The license key doesn't work when I type it in"
"Do I need to keep the license key?"
"How do I install a new version?"
"You cannot start application from this location because it is already installed from a different location"
"I'm still getting the above message even after uninstalling the previous version"
"Will I lose all my saved SuDokus?"
"Will I need to re-license all the features I have purchased?"
"The demo period for the Killer Solver has expired even though I have just installed it!"
Windows can rescale an application when different system fonts are installed, or with higher resolution displays, and this can cause some problems like those shown
in the picture.
From version 12.1 and up, there are a number of possible solutions:
Firstly, you can increase the height of the main panel by dragging it with your mouse. Also you manually set the
height of the main panel and the Mode panel (the right-hand panel) from within the Options menual. Similarly, you can adjust the height of the Selector panel ('Virtual Puzzle Book
View' and 'List View').
Secondly, the Solver has an 'Autoscale mode' setting in the Options menu. Try changing this from 'Font' (the default) to 'DPI' or 'None' to see if
this cures your problem.
I would very much appreciate feedback from anyone who has tried any of these fixes, since I cannot reproduce the problem here. Send email to
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No, the Solver only runs on Microsoft Windows PCs and laptops.
Although the installation USUALLY works fine from any location, and USUALLY doesn't mind if you extract the zip file before running the setup file, sometimes write
permissions can cause a problem.
Therefore I recommend:
1.Copy the zip file to your C drive in a place where you know you have read/write permissions
2. Extract all the files
3. Then run the setup.exe file
This is caused by the "ClickOnce Trust Prompt Behavior". The security settings concerned can be changed programmatically, which means another
application you have installed has changed them (you don't see this message on a new Windows installation).
But it is easily fixed - see here for instructions:
Security Settings fix
and for the Microsoft documentation, see here:
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The license key is emailed to you automatically. It should appear in your email Inbox a few seconds after you complete the
purchase. It comes from the email address
If you cannot see it, check your Junk mail folder.
If you still cannot see it, it is possible your email server has blocked it because it thinks it is SPAM or a phishing email.
You should designate as a safe email address and/or designate as a safe domain.
Then send an email to asking for the license key to be sent manually. This will normally be sent within
48 hours of your request.
The license key is locked to the email address you used when purchasing. So be sure to type both in correctly,
including spaces and upper and lower case characters. Better still, copy-and-paste them from the email you were sent.
Yes, you will need the license key again when you install a new version of the SuDoku Solver.
If you lose it, send an email to and it will be re-sent to you within 48 hours.
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1. Uninstall all previous versions.
2. Download the new version from this website
3. Install the new version.
4. Re-install any license keys you have purchased in the past. Select 'Licensing' from the 'Tools' menu and then the product you want to license. If you have lost your license key emails, send a request to and they will be re-sent to you within 48 hours.
This is the typical message you get if you haven't uninstalled previous versions.
Here are the steps to take to un-install previous versions (on Windows10)...
1. Click the Windows button and type 'Control Panel' in the search box.
2. In the Control Panel window there should be a 'Programs' item in the bottom left and below that a link for 'Unistall a program'.
3. This should bring up a list of all installed programs and from there you should un-install all versions of 'Duncan's SuDoku Solver'.
4. Then install the latest version.
It is possible that the uninstall did not complete correctly. In this case you can try deleting the previous version manually.
You will find the relevant files in this location (on Windows10):
This YouTube video may also be of assistance:
No, all your saved SuDokus and Virtual Puzzles Books will be unaffected.
Yes you do need to do this. If you have lost your license key emails, send a request to and your old
license keys will be re-sent to you within 48 hours.
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A number of people have reported this, so I have installed a password that allows the date check to be bypassed.
You will need to enter the password every time you use the Solver, and you still won't be able to Save or Print Killer puzzles, but it should enable you to evaluate the Killer Solver.
If you decide to purchase a license, then the date check goes away - and printing and saving are enabled.
If you want the password and instructions on how to use it, send an email to
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